The PubPub platform is an online authoring system which provides a modern, open authoring and review workflow. The platform allows for authors, reviewers, and editors to complete the publishing workflow completely online with no need to track different versions of files and navigate a confusing document handling process. All revisions are stored online and all reviews are conducted in the open. This helps reduce the overhead costs of managing the editorial process since the online system takes care of rendering the manuscript for public consumption.
Use PubPub’s built in annotation features to give your thoughts on specific passages. To do so, please first create an account or log in into your existing one by clicking “Log In or Sign Up” in the top-right corner.
Simply highlight a relevant passage and click the comment icon, like so:
Then, type and post your thoughts in the box to the right:
Provide overall feedback and recommendation by commenting in the box at the right of the page.
Reviews submitted here should be constructive in nature and address ways in which the manuscript could be improved and scientific and methodological soundness rather than addressing subjective determinations of 'impact,' 'novelty' or 'interest'.